2nd KLBA / Piala Hari-Hari Men & Women Basketball Championship 2015
Kuala Lumpur Basketball Association (KLBA) will host the 2nd KLBA / Piala Hari-Hari Men & Women Basketball Championship in the end of August 2015. A cash prize of RM10,000.00 will be shared among the winners of the forthcoming tournament starting from 22nd August 2015 until 15th October 2015. Venue will be located at SJK(C) Kung Mun, Jalan Pudu and Stadium MABA, Kuala Lumpur.
Organizing Chairman cum with Secretary General of KLBA, Mr. Looi Seng Loong PJK expressed heartfelt gratitude to “Pusat Pakaian Hari-Hari Sdn Bhd” for their financial assistance and support. He hopes the championship will prove successful in producing new talents as well as enhancing basketball as a popular sport for all races in Klang Vally of Wilayah Persekutuan.
The tile sponsor will be “Pusat Pakaian Hari-Hari Sdn Bhd”, a clothing centre and supplier with a financial aid of total RM30,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Thirty Thousand Only). Co-sponsor will be official attires & playing kits – Xballer and official ball – Molten. This tournament will be divided into three categories – the Men’s Division 1 and 2 and Women’s Division 1 and 2. Division 1 : Only 1 National and 3 State players allowed in each team (From Year 2012 to Year 2015). Division 2 : No National and State players are allowed in each team.
Champion, Runner-up & 2nd Runner-up team in Men’s Division 1 respectively will receive RM3,000.00, RM1,000.00 and RM500.00. As for Men’s Division 2, Champion, Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up team will receive RM1,600.00, RM1,000.00 and RM500.00. Champion in the Women’s Division 1 will be awarded RM1,000.00 while the Division 2 will receive RM600.00.
The due date for submission of forms is divided into two dateline. 1st dateline due on 29th July 2015 (Wednesday) at 11pm, with the entry fee of RM600, while the 2nd dateline due on 7th August 2015 (Friday) at 11pm, with the entry fee RM900. In addition, each team is also required to pay a refundable deposit of RM500. The meeting and draw will be conducted on 15th August 2015 (Saturday) at 2pm at MABA conference room (12th floor MABA building).
All participating teams MUST fill up the application form with all details of team managers, coaches and players as well as proper photographs attached. Otherwise the organiser may reject the team’s application to participate.
The player’s registration fee is RM10.00 for 1 year and new team registration fee is RM100.00. Any player who has represented KL in any national tournament in Year 2013 & 2014 and participated in the current year’s prior tournament are exempted from paying the player registration fee. Entry form can be download from www.klba.com.my . Any enquiries kindly contact Mr. Tang at 012-232 7497 or Mr. Lin at 012-212 8316.
If a team goes on walkout during the game, or refuse to continue with the game; The violating team shall be fined RM2,000.00 and the deposit forfeited as well as being disqualified from the tournament. In addition to that, the team and the team manager shall be suspended for a minimum of 2 years.
DOWNLOAD Hari Hari 2015 Rules & Regulations PDF
DOWNLOAD Hari Hari Cup 2015 Registration Form
由吉隆坡篮球总会主办,Pusat Pakaian Hari-Hari 为主要品牌赞助商的 “2015年第二届吉隆坡篮总 / Hari-Hari 杯男女篮球公开赛” ,将于 8月22日开赛,即日起开始接受报名,欲参与的球队受促抓紧机会预早报名!
吉隆坡Hari-Hari 杯篮球公开赛将在半山岜公民华小与大马篮总篮球场举行,比赛将分为甲组和乙组。甲组每队自只限1名国手及3名州手;至于乙组则规定所有的国手及州手不可参加。
报名截止日期分为两期,即第一期截止日期 7月29日(星期三)11pm 为 600令吉;第二期截止日期8月7日(星期五)11pm 为 900令吉。另外,每队也需缴交 500令吉可退还的保证金。而领队会议和抽签日期订于 8月15日(星期六)2pm在大马篮总十二楼会议室进行。
参赛球队的报名表格必须于报名截止前将其所有职球队资料及照片填妥整齐贴好,本会方可接受报名。新球员注册费每位 10令吉及新球队注册费每队 100令吉。有意报名者,可联系邓光荣(012-232 7497)或练福庆(012-2128316),以及网站 www.klba.com.my 查询及下载报名表格。
在奖励方面视参赛队伍的多寡而定。男子甲组冠军奖金为 3千令吉、亚军 1千令吉、季军 500令吉。男子乙组冠军奖金为 1千600令吉、亚军 1千100令吉、季军 500令吉。而女子甲、乙组冠军奖金各为1千令吉及 600令吉。
参赛队伍必须派出至少 8位球员穿着大会指定衣服出席开幕和闭幕礼,否则保证金将被没收。另外,无故弃权也将没收保证金。率队罢打则将被处罚 2千令吉及禁止继续参加本届赛会。